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GenFX scores 4.6 out of 5, based on 93 reviews in our GenFX forum.

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GenFX Reviews

Note: only postings with reviews are displayed in this GenFX forum.

Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

I've been using GenFX for a year now, and I can't imagine going back to my previous life. This product really changed my life in a positive way.

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Author: Kelly from GenFX forum

I am very pleased with the results. I look, feel, and act younger. I also am able to please my husband again.

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Author: Luis from Detroit

Before trying GenFX I was a 42 year old man who felt like I was pushing 70. It was awful. I could not keep up at work or with my wife in the bedroom. Since using this supplement I feel young and a live again! I am able to get up in the morning, I gave up coffee, my wife has to push me off of her, and I got a promotion at work!

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

I am able to work with a clear mind and I swear I am happier. My wife told me this morning that she feels like I have found my own fountain of youth because I look, act, and sound younger.

Author: Henry D. from GenFX forum

My wife has said the same to me. I may not have lost weight or look younger, but talking and moving around younger is fine by me!

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Author: Trish from Florida

Lost a few pounds, my skin is glowing, age spots and sun damage seem to be fading. I am sleeping better and have more energy as well! So happy!

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Author: Anonymous from Canada

I feel 10 years younger. I can keep up with my grand kids now. My wife loves it as well. We are more "active" if you know what I mean.

Author: Tom from Pittsburgh

How long did it take to reach that level if you don't mind me asking? My wife and I have not been on the same page and I want to fix that.

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Author: Anonymous from Ohio

I am not old but I am not young either. I am 46. My boyfriend is 33 so keeping up with him has been hard the last few years. I started taking this and he told me that his cougar got her claws back. I love it!

Author: Penny from GenFX forum

I am dating a younger man myself and while I look his age on the outside, I feel my age on the inside. He is 35 and I am nearly 50. I hope this works for me too!

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Author: Frank from PA

I have got my mojo back and my wife couldn't be happier. I feel about 20 years younger and am even losing weight. I feel less pain. Just all around younger.

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Author: Roy from LA

GenFX is the perfect product. My skin is so much better and I'm seeing a positive change in my appearance.

Author: Liz from GenFX forum

How long did it take to see the results?

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

I've read a couple of reveiws of genfx and so far I'm impressed! I was thinking about ordering it!

Author: Scott from GenFX forum

It's worth getting if you're wanting want this offers. It does everything it says on the box.

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

Will this increase my stamia aswell as muscle and other parts of my body as i have only heard it works for muscle.

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Author: Kendall from Tacka

Wow my boyfriend looks much better now. I can't believe something like a little pill can change things so much. GenFX is aweosme

Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

It worked for me aswell, did he just build muscle or did he actually build charisma and energy?

Author: Alice from Stoke

Just a question, does this work if you're a bit older as I'm 50 and I want GenFX.

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Author: Chris from Topeka

GenFX really works. I really like the effects I feel from it. I have not had any bad side effects, just follow the instructions.

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Author: Osmond from NC

Yeah this is good stuff. No side effects, great for my body.

Author: Phill from GenFX forum

Totally agree with you, many things i have taken do give me terrible side effects but this didn't, it helped me build more muscle and helped me a lot.

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Author: Dylan from GenFX forum

I'm trying to gain alot of muscle weight so you can probably see how increasing my HGH levels could be highly beneficial for me in muscle and height growth. Do you think I can take GenFX? Will it help me?

Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

GenFX is a perferct choice, one of the best hgh products!

Author: Fulop from GenFX forum

It is its a great choice for muscle it will help you gain muscle and help you lose fat pretty fast if you ask me it worked for me i gained 1 stone worth of muscle within 2 weeks.

Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

Best product out there!

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Author: Rita from GenFX forum

I started Gen FX program 4 days ago and this product has already cured my insomnia and increased energy levels. I will give it 5 stars if I see more results in 20 days.

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Author: David F. from Port Arthur

Try genf20, it's much better than eveything else!!!

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Author: Anonymous from Croatia

this HGH product is excellent. I noticed no side effects and only positive results!

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

i had taken another HGH enhancer before this one that had me swallowing 5 pills with 16 oz of water before bedtime. Really? I was up 2 or 3 times during the night goint o the bathroom. The deep restful sleep i was supposed to be getting was being interrupted. I saw this as silly and nonsensical. GenFX suited me perfectly as you take it before lunch and before dinner AND i experienced results.

Author: Tom from GenFX forum

It had me peeing a lot too but I think that is from the herbs. Tea also makes me pee like a race horse so that is my guess!

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

I've noticed no side-effects, perfect product

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Author: Abeer from Egypt

I like this HGH product, but I'd prefer another form of it

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Author: Jozef from Holland

Are there any contra-indication to use it?

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Author: Katarzyna from Poland

Good HGH product. I used to become anxious sometimes and did not sleep all the night through. These pills helped me to recover from this and gave me more energy.

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Author: Andou from Osaka

Great HGH product. It makes me so energetic and strong!

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

I really have more energy since I use it.

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Author: Tarrens from USA

I like this amazing HGH product very much!!!

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

I feel very energetic like 20 years ago! Very happy with this product.

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Author: Matt from USA

After using GenFX I have more energy, sleep better and feel perfectly!

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Author: Jill from Del Mar, CA

This HGH product is incredible! I can't believe it, I have so much energy, more than I could have dreamed of. I didn't even realize how sluggish I was until I started it. It is so much easier for me to loose weight now; people who haven't seen me in a year have commented on how young I look and want to know where they can buy the product. My hair isn't falling out nearly as much. I love this!

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Author: Will from UK

I have only been on this 2 weeks

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Author: Anonymous from GenFX forum

I couldn't think these HGH products were good but my friend purchased GenFX and he says it works good. It looks like this GenFX Forum says the same, I'm going to try it now!

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Author: Tony K. from Seatle

As I mentioned before there were changes in my career so I don't have enough time to post in this GenFX Forum. I just want to say that this stuff really works and now I recommend HGH products to everyone!

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Author: Tony K. from Seatle

OK it has been one month since I started taking GenFX capsules. I must tell you guys this HGH product works very good. Of course I'm not that 20 years old boy but I sleep better, I'm more optimistic and confident. There were a few positive changes in my career and I don't care about this financial crisis anymore!

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Author: Tony K. from Seatle

My progress seems to continue after 3 weeks of taking GenFX HGH product. I will give more details after a first month.

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Author: Tony K. from Seatle

I took GenFX for 2 weeks now. I cannot "measure" any changes but overall I feel younger and healthier. I sleep better, I no longer suffer from anxiety at work, I'm not so tired after working 10 hours a day.

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Author: Tony K. from Seatle

I have just purchased GenFX, I will try it and tell everyone. According to this GenFX forum, this is not the best HGH product but the rating is pretty well. I hope it will help me.

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Author: Anonymous from United States of America

This is very good HGH product.

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Author: Delores P from GenFX forum

I am more energetic and do feel like I've gone back in time.

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Author: Anonymous from Seattle

I was diagnosed with clinical depression 10 years ago. It was so bad that I barely left my house. The stress aged my face and body and I looked much older than I actually was. My doctor introduced me to GenFX HGH Releaser, and within just a few months, my frown lines are beginning to disappear.

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Author: Gilbert from Arizona

Since using GenFX, I have not had a cold or flu once!

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Author: Roy K. from GenFX forum

Becoming an old man is not much fun, but I refused to go down without a fight. GenFX has turned back the hands of time. I am no longer weak and incapable, and would recommend this to any people who want to extend the best part of their lives

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Author: Gary S. from Sacramento, CA

The energy and fitness levels I had as a teenager have been restored to a level I am very happy with. As a added bonus, my hair stopped graying and thinning. I have been on this product only 2 months, I hope to see more progress soon!

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Author: Anonymous from GA

My business is all about looks and how to look perfect at any time, and any place. I'm not young anymore and this is now harder than ever. I thought my career was almost over but GenFX is my secret weapon. Quite honestly, I look 10 years younger than my real age!

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Author: Anonymous from TX

nice hgh

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Author: Gladys R. from Houston

I had a hard time falling asleep at night since the age of 23. After using GenFX, I now consistently get a full 8 hours.

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